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Women of Faith
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Mosaic Theatre
Women of Faith

Event Booking and Planning

Women of Faith can be used in various ways.  It stands by itself as a musical theatre production for your own church or group of churches, but you could consider sharing this event with other churches and groups.  You can be assured of a high standard of performance as the actors, singers and musicians are experienced professional performers having appeared in the West End, Repertory Theatre, National Tours and on Television and Radio.


Local press are always looking for stories, and Women of Faith might be a great opportunity for you to publicise to the wider community.  We will provide you with press releases, biographical information, photographs, fliers and posters etc, to engage the interest of your local media, and to help you publicise the event as widely as possible.  If appropriate we might also be available for press or radio interviews to promote your event.

Performance Space

We would envisage the performance taking place in the church itself or if preferred, in any other suitable space such as a school hall or arts centre.  A raised performance area (of at least 12 feet wide and 9 feet deep) is better for your audience, but if necessary we can stage the production of Women of Faith on the same level as the audience when this is the only option.  There should be power points near to the performance area if possible.  The music will be provided by both piano (which we can bring ourselves if you don't have one) and backing tracks.

The performance space should be available at least three hours before performance time, and if possible there should be space near to the entrance of the venue for us to unload our set/props/costumes etc.  The production will last approximately two hours with one interval.  If you have any other particular queries, please specify on the enquiry form.

The Cost

The basic cost of booking this production is £450 plus travel expenses.  We can be flexible, but please bear in mind that professional artists earn their living from performing!  This cost also includes fliers, posters and press releases, and full telephone support to help you to publicise your event.  Joining forces with other churches may help to spread the cost, increase publicity and sell more tickets!  100 tickets at £5.00 basically covers performance costs, so if you add more to the ticket price or sell more tickets, you could also raise your own funds for your church, mission or charity.  We will do everything we can to help you make this a successful event!  Costs are always negotiable so if you are worried about cost, please call to discuss as we may be able to help or reduce the cost in certain circumstances.


If you would like to consider the possibility of a school visit, this is costed individually as school budgets vary considerably.


We appreciate your prayers for us and this production, that Women of Faith will touch the lives of those who attend, and that the Lord will be glorified in each performance.

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